PETITION TO OSU EXECUTIVES: "Address Chronic Understaffing"

We are front-line health care workers, patients, and community members united for safe patient care at OSU Wexner Medical Center.

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What’s the latest on PCA/PCT contract negotiations at OSU?

Your PCA/PCT Bargaining Committee is vigorously advocating for your interests in negotiations with the OSU executives. Based on your feedback in the recent Bargaining Survey, we established bargaining priorities, including better compensation and staffing, professional respect, stronger safety and health standards, and other priorities.

We are now in the process of presenting each of these proposals to the OSU management team. In doing so, we are calling on them to make a fair agreement that meets the needs of PCAs, PCTs, our patients, and our community.

Check out the latest updates from your PCA/PCT Bargaining Committee below:

Why a Union

We’ve gone without a voice on the job for too long. Our colleagues at Wexner who belong to the Ohio Nurses Association (ONA) have a written contract in place that ensures they are treated fairly. The IAM Union is teaming up with the ONA to give us the same opportunity. This will give us the ability to negotiate with management over the issues that matter most to us!

Better Wages & Benefits

Union members earn roughly $200 more every week than non-members. They are also have better health and retirement benefits.  But it’s more than that. It’s about negotiating with your bosses over those benefits, as well as set wage increases that can’t change at management’s whim.

Respect on the Job

A union contract puts rules in place that allow you to do your job without fear of unjust treatment. If you feel those rules are broken, you have the legal right to appeal through a grievance procedure. Everyone is treated with respect.

Consistent Workplace Policies

We are often at the mercy of our managers when it comes to scheduling, which generally means long and inconsistent hours. As union members, you will have a say in notice and scheduling to adequately plan for your work and family responsibilities.

“We must recognize and embrace the power of union density, not only in nursing, but in the entire healthcare workforce. This power enables healthcare workers to reallocate money from executive pockets to instead invest in safe and healthy work environments, safe staffing, and competitive wages for those who are performing the essential daily work necessary to safely care for our patients.”


– Rick Lucas, President
The Ohio State Nurses Association

Latest Updates

November 1, 2022

ONA Pledges Support for PCA Organizing Drive

The Ohio Nurses Association has pledged their support for our efforts to form a union for PCAs at Wexner. Says ONA President Rick Lucas, “We must recognize and embrace the power of union density, not only in nursing, but in the entire healthcare workforce. This power enables healthcare workers to reallocate money from executive pockets to instead invest in safe and healthy work environments, safe staffing, and competitive wages for those who are performing the essential daily work necessary to safely care for our patients.”

November 2, 2022

Upcoming Zoom Meetings

Join us for any of the following zoom meetings to ask questions and learn more about efforts to form a Union for PCAs at Wexner Hospital.

Contact Us

Rich Nadeau
IAM Union Representative


